聖者 詩麗詩麗 若威香卡
第三個C是愛護與慈悲(Care and Compassion)
在我們的奧義書中提到存在的五層面:環境層(Annamay kosha)、能量層(Pranmay kosha)、心智層(Manomay kosha)、直覺層(Vigyanmay kosha)及至福層(Anandmay kosha)。而第一層就是環境。
Environment & You
By H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Animals are sacred. Birds are sacred. What is not sacred is very difficult to say! Everything that exists on the planet is sacred. For us, this is “prakarti” and “purusha” – these are so sacred. Prakarti is the concept and purusha is the spirit. It is not just the spirit that is sacred, but the instrument through which the spirit manifests itself is also sacred. Knowledge is sacred… and money is also sacred.
Now, in a forest, there is no pollution. It is only men and women who create pollution. No animal ever causes pollution. No animal uses plastic. Have you ever seen a dead crow anywhere? You will not have seen one because crows know how to care of their environment. Birds know how to take care of the environment. Cats know how to keep the environment pollution-free.
So why have we forgotten how to take care of the environment? This is because we have moved away from the spirit. All of nature lives with the spirit, but we have moved away from the spirit. We are living in a small, little, conceptual world, rather than in the real world.
To change this, we need to bring three things into our realm – these are the three “Cs”:
The first “C” is Cosmology.
Every child should know something about cosmology. This universe is 119.7 billion years old (according to science). Our shastras (ancient sacred texts) say it is 119.5 billion years old – and this is much more accurate – you calculate how many cycles the world has gone through (around the sun).
Caring for the environment is cosmology. The knowledge of cosmology increases our sense of awareness. Every cell in the body is recycled material! Everyone sitting here is recycled material. We are all recycled material! Water is recycled. Soil is also recycled. They come back again and again, but in many different forms. Every time we come back , we come back to purify, to create more purity.
The second “C” is Commitment.
The third “C” is Care and Compassion.
This is care and concern for the environment, and concern in general for everything in life because life is environment.
When the three “Cs” together, they make one big “C” – i.e. Culture. If the big “C” doesn’t happen, then another “C” – i.e. Corruption – comes into the picture. Corruption doesn’t give you a cosmic view of life. You cannot corrupt people with whom you have a sense of belonging. You can only corrupt those with whom you feel no belonging – where you feel that they don’t’ belong to you. When there is no sense of belonging, just “keeping” a mannerism is not going to bring any comfort in life, nor is it going to bring down tension, anxiety and fear.
Cosmology – the study of cosmology – is the understanding of life in the context of the universe. There are spiritual practices; there are religious practices – where we “take a sankalpa” or we recite a mantra. If you remember the vastness of space and time, come into the present moment, and then take a sankalpa – i.e. make a commitment – that commitment is stronger. Commitment becomes stronger when taken in the larger context of time and space.
Have you thought about how much time we spend on doing things?
Suppose you live for 80 years. Then 40 years of your life are spent sleeping. 8-10 years, you spend in the bathroom and toilet. You spend the same amount of time on traveling. So we spend just 5 years of our lives in love, in compassion, in care, in joy – and that is the time we are really living life. The rest is just preparation to live life. In the process of preparation, you get so tense, so tired, so worried, so stressed out… Is this the quality of life we want?
When you are tense and agitated, you are also polluting the environment. You are shooting out vibrations, which are not harmonious. Don’t think that pollution or the environment are only related to living things. They are also related to subtle things. If you are in a room, and you are angry, agitated or depressed, anyone who enters the room also feels depressed because the environment you have created causes that effect.
We are polluting our environment everyday, just by not being children. A child is upset… and the next minute, he (or she) is happy! However, if you are upset, it takes time – for you to come back to your normal state. If you are upset, it takes such a long time for you to smile again.
We are polluting our environment with negative vibrations. Walk in an area where there is drug dealing or in the red light areas of a city – it is such a heavy, horrible feeling. The whole vibration is so bad that you want to run away. You don’t want to drive through those roads; you want to run away from there.
On the other hand, when you drive through an area where there is a school, a temple or a place of worship, there is lightness in the atmosphere. So our minds also cause pollution through vibrations – through a pattern… and that is why we don’t have commitment in life.Compassion, Care, Cosmology and Commitment – all these things integrate life. They create the life that we are all looking for.
You know, a baby smiles 400 times a day, an adolescent smiles 17 times a day and an adult does not smile at all! As we get promoted at work, we become worse! We become more stern. People wonder, Kal thak tho theek thaa, aaj kyaa ho gayaa?! [He (or she) was fine until yesterday – what happened today?!] As we succeed in life, we become more rigid, more unfriendly – we pollute the atmosphere. We create greed, anger and frustration around us.
Do you know the sign of good company?Do you want to know?I will tell you only if you want to know! The sign of good company is this:
If someone comes to you with a problem, how does he (or she) go back feeling – once he (or she) has spoken to you? When people go back after talking to you, do they feel heavier, do they feel that they are falling apart, do they feel that the problem looks enormous – or does the person who came to you with a problem, go back feeling lighter, feeling that the problem does not exist? If it’s the second, then you are Good company!
What do you do? Do we share people’s problems… or do we create problems for them? If you have the ability to take everybody in your arms and move on, then you are holding up your environment. You are “keeping up” the pristine spiritual environment, which we are all born with.
Everyone is born with spirituality. Somewhere, as we grow, it gets lost. Our whole effort is to bring back that innocence, simplicity, joy and friendliness that we are born with. There are certain simple techniques by which you can come back to your natural state. We gave them a name, which everybody in the world can accept – The Art of Living. These are simple wisdom – to keep you elevated, happy and enthusiastic.Let me see, how many of you are really smiling!
We have not taught our children how to be friendly with everybody. Is this not strange? We harbour militant feelings towards other people. We take vows and make promises: Chaahe marr jaoon mein, uskaa chehraa nahin dhekoonga! Uske ghar ka paani nahin peeoonga! [Even if I have to die, I will not look at his face! I will not drink water from his house!] If we harbour anger or hatred towards somebody, who is at loss? The revenge simply chews us up before it destroys the other person, it first eats you up – it first destroys you. How dose one get over this? How can one be pure again? How can one be like a child again? This is what we all need to learn.
Hamaare Upanishad mein paanch kosh ki baat ki gayi hai [Our Upanishad talk of five koshas]. They are : Annamay kosha, Pranmay kosha, Manomay kosha, Vigyanmay kosha and Anandmay kosha. Of these, the environment is the first one.
In ancient times, what was thought of spirituality and the environment? – This is very vital to understand. The understanding of cosmology is a part of the environment and spirituality. Today, we are lost in consumerism. Earlier, we always used plates made of leaves. We always used things, which were biodegradable – our cups were biodegradable, our pesticides were biodegradable. We used neem as a pesticide, and it was biodegradable. To remain healthy, we prayed to Shakti – the Mother Divine – to take care of our viruses and bacteria without polluting the environment. We attached sacredness to all things.
Today, the world over, people are re-thinking burials. They think they must cremate instead. Cremation is the best way to preserve the environment. Just imagine – if we keep burying people, there will be little place left on the planet! So we need to educate people about their rites. Irrespective of religion, cremation would be better than burial. It will save our planet in many ways. In the Middle East, there was nothing with which one could make fire. All that they could do was buried. It was because their environment, their situation, was like that. Today, with electric crematoriums, it is better to cremate a body than to bury it and have it occupy place.
We must make a distinction between spirituality and religion: Religion is like a banana skin, and spirituality is like a banana. Spirituality is common to all religions. It is that which uplifts your spirit. This “upliftment” keeps enthusiasm, courage, confidence and smiles alive in our lives.
We are worried about how to bring our children up – about how they will grow up, about how to get them established in life… these are the concerns of all parent. However, there is another thing as well: when will grown-ups become like children again? When will they start behaving as innocent, pure, carefree, friendly children again? We live in a small, little world with limited understanding. We live in a small, little shell, holding grudges against each other.
How does one become like a child again?
-Learning this process is called The Art of Living. In this, we learn a little bit about our seven layers of existence – body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego and self.
There is so much “Sankalpa Shakti” – there is so much power, so much joy in living our lives… and this is what you are all craving for. If we do one meditation for 15-20 minutes a day and some breathing exercises, we can check the stress accumulating in our systems.
Do not leave this knowledge in this room. Take it back to your village, town or city. Tell the industrialist to stop making plastics, harmful chemicals, pesticides, DDT, etc… and save our planet. Return to nature.
I wish you success in creating a beautiful environment in the environment, which god has given us.