目前分類:每周知識 (264)

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無常 Uncertainty

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情慾的昇華 Sublimating Lust

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專注與擴展 Focus and Expansion

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生命的目的 The Purpose of Life

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什麼是愛的跡象 What are The Signs of Love

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感激 Appreciation

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回來的原因 The Cause of Return

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不同種類的瞭解 The Different Kinds of Understanding

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雅佳納禮拜 Yagna

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無須改過 Do not Correct Your Mistakes !

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寧靜 Silence

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直做到它成為本性Do It Until You Become It

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休息與活動 Rest and Activity

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倚賴 獨立 相互依存與一體 Dependence Independence Interdependence and Oneness

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意識之擴展是安詳 Expansion Of Consciousness Is Peace

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歌唱 溝通與我執 Singing Communication and Ego

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你因某人偉大或獨特才愛他嗎  Do You Love Someone Because They Are Great Or Unique ?

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忠誠  Loyalty

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我執只是個原子 Ego Is Only An Atom

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