
9 - 痛苦的面紗






(Tapah Svadhyayesvara Pranidhanani)


Svadhyaye 能消除全部心裡的,感情的雜質,不確定,和內在裡的懼怕。Isvara Pranidhanani ---對上帝的愛---向神臣服將使這個探究本我的過程變得完整。如果沒有愛,探究本我將成為另一種枯燥乏味的事物。如果沒有臣服,探究本我就不迷人。你了解我說什麼嗎?明白我所講的嗎?如果沒有虔誠奉獻,沒有愛,靈修的道路就像塑膠紙一樣變得非常枯燥乏味---它就像不甜的蛋糕,不甜的布丁,沒有鹽或沒有味道的麵包。

Isvara Pranidhanani對神的愛怎樣才能發生,怎樣才能在生命中綻放?


1步︰視神與你為兩個不同的個體,神和我。臣服需要雙方才能進行,神具有全部美德,而我是無足輕重的人,在這個無我的狀態裡,連結就會發生。然後就有一種領悟,這全部都是你,這全部都是你。從這全部都是你之中,你丟掉那個,而變成全部都是我,是我,我的,我的。噢!神啊!這整個宇宙都是你的,這個身體是你的,這心智是你的,這充滿衝突的心智也是你的,而且心智所有的美麗也都是你的。這種奉獻本身是一種帶你回家的技術。Isvara Pranidhanani在靜心中帶出有關三摩地或狂喜。奉獻蠟燭,奉獻熏香,奉獻花都不是重要的,奉獻你身體的每一部分,奉獻生命的時時刻刻,奉獻每個呼吸,奉獻每種想法,好的,壞的,令人愉快的,不愉快的任何事情,奉獻所有那些舊的印象(vasanas)或者你認為是你負面的點的那些事情。奉獻所有消極和積極。奉獻出你所有的消極你就變得自由,奉獻出你認為你擁有的所有正面美德,你就變得自由---你將不會變得傲慢。美德使你傲慢,美德讓你相信並表現出好像你很特別。而缺點或你的短處使你不安,並讓你感覺你自己是不好的,如果你開始對你自己感到不好---與神性就無連結,沒有什麼能使你感覺到被連結。你了解我說什麼嗎?是否感覺親近神性那完全在你,就此而言,是否對任何人都感覺親近也完全在你。即使他們不感覺到親近,你也該開始感覺親近,假如他們不感覺也不影響到你親近他們。你如何能知道別人?你不知道。只透過他們的行為嗎?那不是判斷的正確方法,因為沒有其它的東西能說服你,你和神是親近的,除了你自己的心智,你的本我之外。停止與人比較。與上師相處也一樣,你或許會說某某人更親近guruji而不是我,因為上師更經常與他們交談,對著他們微笑,沒有與我交談,沒有對著我微笑。這是你的幻想。交談或不交談不重要。你開始感覺到你是唯一的,你是最親近的,然後你將看見那連結開始發生,那連結開始綻放。你播下的任何種子都將成長。如果你播下我是沒有希望的種子,我不好,我不好,那不好的種子將會生長。通常沒有用的東西,野草的生長不需要培植,你不必培養它們,那是他們被叫為野草的原因。它們只是成長。但是一棵有用的植物就需要一些注意力。野草不需要注意。在你的田地很多野草每天出現 - 沒用,不需要,不必要的懷疑,想法,你不需要去播種它們,它們就是自己出現。藉由swadhyaye,藉由照料注意,你能夠去除它們並且只保有那些對生命是重要的。(Tapah Svadhyayesvara Pranidhanani Kriya Yogah)這是行動的瑜珈。並且即使做了這個,也了解到你不是這個的作為者---成為一個寧靜的見證者。在你內在有一深處,在你內在的一個沉默角落,那是觀照者,那是真實的---整個空間是如此寧靜,在寧靜的空間內整個活動正在發生,每個電子正圍繞原子核心在運轉,所有的行星正在四周運轉,然而它是非常寧靜。


這個的目的是(Klesa Tanukaranarthas ca)減少在生命裡的悲慘或痛苦,並帶出三摩地(三摩地),和諧和生命的穩定(三摩地 Bhavanarthah)。




(Avidya asmita raga dvesa abhinivesa panca klesa)



是痛苦的根源。無知是什麼?把不是永恆的視為永恆,把變視為不變,把不是喜悅的視為喜悅,把非本我視為本我。我不是這個身體,但卻認為我就是這個身體。我不是我的思想和情感,但卻認為我是我的思想,我的情感。把這個身體視為不改變,但實際上這個身體正一直改變,每天你的身體都在改變,24小時血液都在改變。醫生說,在5天內胃的內膜就改變,並且在一個整月,皮膚改變,在一年內,身體的每個細胞都已改變,但是我們從未認為或者理解我們的身體看起來像一條河,它正一直在經歷著變化,你的身體在一年內有完全不同的細胞,在3 年的時間內所有老的細胞都死去並被排出,在身體裡的是新細胞,你的身體是新的,你的心是新的;當你了解到這個事實時,你將看到,你不會再將老舊的恐懼與思想視為是你的本我,而與你的本我同在。無知是緊握住那些過去的事情,緊握住這個…緊握住一種身分認同。人們認為“知道你是誰”,“對你是誰有概念”是一句非常讚賞的話。我告訴你,如果你知道你是誰,你就完了,結束了,因為你已經被卡住在那裡。你不知道你是誰才是正確的態度,正確的想法。你正時時刻刻在改變,你已經保有改變的可能性,一種固定的自我認知完全的消滅了你,它停止你的成長,它限制了你的潛能。


2)(Asmita) 我執



3)( raga ;craving)貪愛︰


(Avidyasmita raga Dvesabhinivesah Klesah)








這些痛苦有四個等級︰ -(Avidya ksetram uttaresam plasupa tanu vicchinna-udaranam)




c)(Vichchhinna)的意思是它們其中之一變得明顯,而其它將退到隱蔽處,退到幕後。你了解我說什麼嗎?當貪愛出現,嫌惡、懼怕就在幕後,在這些5種痛苦來源的其它部份就會退到幕後。當無知出現時,我們甚至無法覺知到在你內在的這兩件事,那份洞察力---我的理智---這是我心智所講的東西---不見了。我和我的心智的區別不見了,你是完全被捲入情勢當中。當你是神智清醒的,有意識的,那麼你會知道所有這些是我的心智正在講的東西(理智正在運作),你知道這是我所想要的,這是正在發生的情況,你在你的內在了解到那種差異,有時候你會說有什麼事已經在我身上發生。一個有意識,能意識到什麼事情發生在我身上的人,會質疑自己說,我是否發瘋?但一個真的發瘋的人甚至不會認為他已經發瘋。因為那個內在的運作機構已經如此地結成一體,以至於它無法去發現那個差異。你了解我說什麼嗎?有時你變得忿怒而你沒表現出那份憤怒,你知道你忿怒,然後你說︰“噢!我忿怒了,我為什麼會生氣?”或者有時你變得色慾強烈,你意識到。噢!我已經變得興奮,好色,激情。但是一個正在發脾氣的人不會意識到他正在生氣,他變成了憤怒。你了解我說什麼嗎?對嗎?因此靈修練習(sadhana)使得這5 種klesa,5個痛苦的來源,隨著日子一天一天的過去而變的愈來愈淡薄,因此你在踏上靈性修持道路之前你會生氣,而現在你可能也會生氣,但在生氣的品質上卻有很大的不同,你了解我說什麼嗎?有一種轉變。在這裡它變得(Tanu),意思是淡薄下來了,簾幕已經變得越來越透明。


d)(Vichchhinna)的意思是一個是主控的,而其它將退到隱蔽處,退到幕後。 (Udaranam)的意思是它們全部都非常大量的,它們完全活躍,你能在全世界的各個社會裡發現到這個情況。對沒有做任何靈修練習,靜心的人,所有這些痛苦都以大量的形式存在。Patanjali是如此巧妙的說是大量的形式,隨處可見。它們在受挫折和痛苦的人身上非常大量並且隨處可見---在所有的世代裡都沒缺乏。 (Udaranam)在那裡它們完全的活躍。恐懼---人們是害怕的,但那又怎樣?在身體裡保持一點恐懼,以便身體能被維繫下去。你了解我說什麼嗎?它應該是只和鹽一樣多即可,少量的鹽,在身體中保持微量的恐懼,那是為什麼它被稱為vidushopi (Sva- raga -vahi vidusopirtatha rudho-bhinvesa)–就算飽讀經書和知識的知者---即使在他們內在也可以發現小量的恐懼存在。它不應該被稱作恐懼,它應該被稱為警覺,恐懼變成完全不一樣的意思。警覺;小心,你了解到我說什麼嗎?在小心和恐懼之間,有類似的品質,那是為什麼他使用(Abhinivesah)這個字而非bhaya這個字。Bhaya表示恐懼。對(Abhinivesah)來說,在英文裡沒有與它相對應的字。(Abhinivesah)在它是濃厚的形式時是恐懼,而在它最淡薄、稀釋的形式時,它是小心。你了解到我現在說的嗎?你正走在湖的邊緣,你會非常小心地踏著你的腳步以免掉到湖裡,如果這份小心不在那裡,你的身體可能就不見了,消失了,你可能掉到水裡。當我不是身體時,我根本不必照顧這個身體,但我也不能有這個身體來講話或者做任何事情。為了保衛這個身體,一定程度的小心是必要的。這樣講清楚嗎?然而當這份小心變的多於它真正的需要時,那麼它就變成不安全,它變得有一點超過時,就變成恐懼害怕;而它變的太多時,就變成妄想症。它就像在食物中如果鹽太多,那食物就無法吃一樣。但在這裡一個人不能辯解說,噢!無知它應該在那裡,讓它在那裡,無知可以在那裡,那又怎樣呢?不,不,不。 (Tanu Vichchhinna)淡化它們,降低它,降低它,把它降低到它最小的程度。

(Avidya asmita raga dvesa abhinivesa panca klesa)



(Te pratiprasava-heyas suksmah)






(Dhyana heyas tad-vrttayah)


5種受干擾的心智(vritti),5 種痛苦能透過靜坐來消除,痛苦可以透過靜心來克服,而且他強調它一定要被了結。你必須擺脫他們,而方法只有透過靜心。如果你不做的話,那麼會發生什麼事?


(Klesa-mulah karma asayo drsta-adersta-janma vedaniyo)


如果你不淨化你的意識中的這5種痛苦,雜質,痛苦的來源或不管你稱它是什麼,那麼你將必須在這個生命和下一世裡受苦。那就是(drsta-adersta-janma vedaniyo)。你沒有辦法,你將必須在這個生命裡受苦,你必須經驗這種痛苦,這種痛苦不僅在這一生而且來生也會有,因為它們形成 (karma asayo),一個業力銀行,它們將儲備進入你內在的儲存箱,業力儲存箱。而透過靜心,這種業力可以被洗乾淨,消除,此時此刻。在身體離開你之前,你除去業力並且減少遍及於你的無知面紗;除此之外,沒有什麼方法能讓你從這個業力中逃脫。(drsta adersta janma vedaniyo)某些業力將在這一生中就給出它的成果,而某些會跟著你留到你的來生才顯現。一些人有一個爭論,如果你把你的手指放進火中,它會今天被燒掉,或明天,或明年,或下一輩子,顯然每次行動都有它的回應,但是你一定是立刻就得到回應,它不會是在你下一輩子或明年或者任何像那樣的情況。有一些人有這樣的爭論,但這不是正確的類推。你看種子,你播下一些種子,有些種子將在2天內發芽,你種下alpha,它將在3天內發芽,如果你種花生,它在4-5天內發芽。如果你想要使一顆椰子發芽,它需要幾個月。你種蓮花,它將在2-2 1/2個月內給你果實。如果你種一顆芒果,它將在10年內給你果實。如果你種植一顆鱷梨,它需花費4-5到7年。如果你種波羅密,下一代才能享受到果實。不同的種子有不同的時間,同樣的,不同的業力將在不同的時間給出結果。很多時候人們會問,我們是如此的善良,為什麼壞事都發生在好人身上?壞事從來不會發生在好人身上,即使它好像發生了,那也是因為他們在過去是壞的。現在他們可能是好的,他們已經做過壞的事情,因此壞事發生。那些種子,他們很久以前已經放了一些苦的種子,現在他們有了苦樹的苦果。現在他們可能正在播種芒果,他們以後將能享用它。因為種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。

(drsta-adersta-janma vedaniyo)


(Sati mule tad-vipako jaty-ayur bhoga)


他多解釋一些關於基因的事。我們如何獲得我們的誕生?只要這個根還存在著,它的結果會一再的出現。他們怎麼來的?(jaty-ayur bhoga) jaty表示你進入的那個身體?你在那裡出生?你被生為一隻雞或一隻猴子或一個人類或男人或女人?你的誕生是被決定了,你生活的長度被決定了,而且你在生命裡將獲得的---你的享樂或痛苦也被決定了。為什麼某人被出生在衣索比亞或其他人被出生在瑞士?有任何解釋嗎?


Patanjali已經對這個現象給出見解,這是經常被問到的問題,為什麼某某人出生在那裡而某某人出生在其它地方,為什麼某某人痛苦,和某某人為什麼正在受痛苦?它是一個大的問題,沒有邏輯能給你任何理解或解釋。金言說---是因為你過去的業力(jaty-ayur bhoga)每天以不同的形式出現在你身上。它怎麼來的?你看,當一個快死的人,他臨終所有的記憶都是雞,雞,雞,在他臨死時意識中最強烈的印象是雞時,致使他出生到家禽的農場,他的心智,靈魂進入那個印象。凡是心智裡最強烈的印象都會被存留。它就是這麼簡單,非常單純的。你能做這個試驗,晚上,在上床睡覺之前,讓自己就只有一個思想,只是很強烈的去想一件事,而當你明早一醒來,那將會是你的第一個想法。在夜裡和在夢裡也一樣,相同的想法將在你夢裡出現,而如果你練習這個一段時間,比如說大約2,3,4或6個月,你不斷的練習,你將具備所有的特質。假如你一醒著就想說,我應該像狗一樣搖著我的頭並且一天當中只做這個動作,那在6個月內,你將看見將變得使你無法控制,你一起床就會像這樣搖晃著。如果你說,我將讓我的腿保持像狗的一樣,你完全的做它,然後在6個月內,你將看見那時你變得幾乎不可能不去做它。它在你裡面獲得這樣的一種模式,那種業力,那種印象已經變得如此強大。或者將你的舌頭像狗一樣伸在外面,或者你持續的關注一隻狗,那種影像一直在你的頭腦裡出現,一直出現,再三出現。當你死時,你的心智,你的意識完全陷入那種類型的身體。因此據說,生命的最後一天是你整個生命中最重要的時刻。為了強調這個,在印度有很多很多的故事。你知道,那是為什麼人們保持著那樣的做法,通常在臨終時的一個老人,他是如此的依戀他的孩子,那是他們以上帝的名子來為他們的孩子命名的原因。 




(Te hlada paritapa phalah punya apunya hetutva)




Jai Gurudev ...


Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol

Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol



CHAPTER 9  Veils of Misery



        We were talking about tapas, hmm…., what does tapas do? Why do we undergo tapas? It purities our system and strengthens our system. Strength and purity that is the purpose of tapas. Hmm... But tapas can bring big ego in a person. Unfortunately people think doing great tapas means they have become very great. Someone has to fast for long period of time that means he must have had lot of impurities. Out of proportion glorifying tapas simply leads to ego. “I’ve have done lot of prayer, I did lots and lots of meditation.” This type of understanding about oneself brings ego. That’s why immediately after tapas is swadhayaye, self study. See, why are you doing fasting? Is it just to show off, or is it in completion with somebody?


        There is a story. Two gentlemen were sitting, meditating and doing some tapas. They were neighbor. God came to one of them and asked him what is that you want? He said whatever you will give it to the next door neighbour…; He asked are you going to visit my neighbour also? God answered yes, of course, he is also doing, you both started doing tapas on the same day. You started an hour earlier so I came first to you. What is that you want? He said, can’t you, somehow, can’t you avoid going to other man? God said no, it will become injustice, it’s not good. I have to go and see him but tell me what is that you want? Ok, whatever you give it to the other person, you give me twice as much. So god went to the other man and asked what is that you want? He said “wait a minute, are you coming from the neighbor?” god said yes. What did you give him? God was silent. Come on, tell me what did he ask? God hesitated for a minute and then said he asked to be given twice as much whatever you asked. This man said is that what he wanted? Ok, you take away one of my eye and one of my ear. I will teach him a lesson; he is always in competition with me. Let him have twice as much as what I have. This sort of tapas without self study leads to ego. So immediately, almost in the same sutra, spontaneously he said swadhayaye - self study.


        Look into the motives behind your actions. Often you don’t go for things that you really want. You go for things because others would want it, or what others will say, think or do about it. Many times what you want you are not clear because you never look into yourself. You are swayed away by fleeting thoughts and fleeting emotions, fleeting desires. Your desire is not even your desire. You went and ate something somewhere, and wrong food, and whatever it was, all those food and all those events, situation, company everything brought in a storm inside you, and you started believing that storm as your very Self. That’s why often you are not happy when your desires are fulfilled, or the fulfillment of your desire does not stay too long. Charm, within weeks they break down and you wonder why did I get into this or you start believing, you really wanted it that’s why it has happened.


        Self-study, observing the Self, see what is your Self? Who are you? You purified the body but are you the body? You have purified your mind. Are you the mind? Are you your thoughts? Are you your emotions? Who are you? This self-study leads you upwards to the universe that is unknown to us. Self-study takes you a step further and self-study eliminates misery and suffering of the mind. Buddha had said this so beautifully. He said, kayanupaschana that is tapas, observe the body; vednanupaschana, observe the sensations in the body; chittaupaschana, observe the mind, the impressions in the mind, the thoughts in the mind, feelings in the mind; dharmaupaschana, observe your very nature, observe the dharma, the nature that you are. Four steps, Buddha has said, and the same thing Patanjali has said.


tapah svadhyayesvara pranidhanani


        Svadhyaye can eliminate all mental, emotional impurities, uncertainties, and fears inside. Isvara Pranidhanani, love of the God, surrender to Lord will complete the process. Without love, self-study becomes another dry stuff. Without surrender, self-study is not charming. Do you see what I’m saying?  Without devotion, without love, spiritual path becomes very dry like a Styrofoam. It’s like a cake with sweets, a pudding without sweets, without sugar, a bread without salt or taste. Isvara Pranidhanani. How can love for Lord can happen, can blossom in life?


        1st step: To see Lord as different from you. Lord and me, two is needed to surrender. Lord is of all virtues and I am nobody. In this nobody-ness, union happens. Then there is a realization, it’s all you, it’s all you. From it’s all you, you to it’s all me, me, I, I. Oh! Lord! This whole universe is yours, this body is yours, this mind is yours, the mind with all its conflicts is also yours, and the mind with all its beauty is yours. This offering itself is a technique which brings you back home. Isvara Pranidhanani brings about Samadhi, or ecstasy in that meditation. Offering candles, offering flowers, offering incense is not great. Offer every part of your body, offer every moment of life, offer every breath, offer every thought, good, bad, pleasant, unpleasant anything, offer all those vasanas, or those things which you consider are your negative points. Offering all the negativity, and offering all the positivity. Offering all the negativity you become free, offering all the positive virtues you think you possess, you become free. You will not become arrogant. Virtues make you arrogant, virtues make you believe, behave as though you are special. And demerits, or your drawbacks pull you down, and make you feel bad about yourself, and if you start feeling bad about yourself, unconnected to the Divine, there is nothing that can make you feel connected. Do you see what I’m saying? It is up to you to feel close to the Divine. It’s up to you to feel close to anybody for that matter. Even if they don’t feel close, you should start feeling close, doesn’t matter if they don’t feel that you’re close to them. How do you know? You don’t know. Just by their behaviors? That is not the right way to judge because nothing else can convince you that you are dear to the Divine other than your own mind, your own self. Stop comparing.


        Same thing with the master, you say so and so maybe more close to guruji not me because he talks to them more often, and smile at them, doesn’t talk to me, does not smile at me. This is your illusion. Talking or not talking does not matter. You start feeling you are the only one. You are the most closest. Then you will see that will start happening that will start blossoming. Whatever seed you sow, that will grow. If you sow the seed that I am hopeless, I am not good, I am not good, that no good seed will grow. Often useless things, wheat grow without cultivation. You need not cultivate them that’s why they are called wheat. They just grow. But a useful plant needs some attention. Wheat do not need attention. In your field many wheat are coming up everyday; useless, unwanted, unnecessary doubts, thoughts, you don’t need to sow them, they just come on by themselves. By swadhyaye, by attending, you can make them out and maintain only those, which are essential in life. Tapah svadhyayesvara pranidhanani kriya yogah. This is the yoga of action. And even doing this, see that you are not doing it, be a silent witness. There is a depth in you, a silent corner in you, that is the seer and that is true; the whole space is so silent, in the silent space the entire activity is happening, every atom is revolving around the nucleus, all the planets are moving around and yet it is very silent.


samadhi bhavanarthah klesa tanukaranarthas ca


        The purpose of this klesa tanukaranarthas ca is to reduce the suffering or misery in life, and Samadhi bhavanarthah, is to bring about samadhi, harmony, and equanimity in life.


        What are the root causes of misery in life?


avidya asmita raga dvesa abhinivesa panca klesa


        Ignorance, avidya, is root cause of suffering. What is ignorance? To think that which is not permanent as permanent, to think, or understand that which is changing as not changing, that which is not joy as joy, which is not Self as Self. I am not the body, but thinking that I am the body. I am not my thoughts and emotions but thinking I am my thoughts, my emotions. Seeing this body is not changing, but this body is changing all the times.


        Everyday your body is changing. In 24 hours blood changes. In 5 days, stomach line changes, doctors say that, and in a whole month, the skin changes, in a year, every cell of the body changes; but we never thought, or understood our body is like a river, it’s undergoing changes all the time. Your body has completely different cells in one year. In three-year time all the old cells are dead and gone. New cells are there. Your body is new, your mind is new; as you awaken to this truth, you will see, you don’t identify your old fear and thoughts with your Self. Ignorance is holding on to those things of past, holding on this… having an idea of who you are. People think that it is a very complimentary sentence to know who you are, having an idea of who you are. I tell you if you have an idea of who you are, you are gone, finished because you are stuck. You don’t know who you are that should be the right attitude, right idea. You are changing every moment and you have kept the possibility of change. A fixed idea about who you are destroys you totally. It stops your growth. It brings a limit to your possibilities.


        Asmita is oneness of our intellect and our Self. Have you noticed in some meetings, some people they say some point and they stick to the point? They are stuck with the point actually. Most of the people they go on arguing, they argue meaningless, senseless arguments. Senseless arguments come because they are so stuck thinking that is their intellect. Intellect as themselves, thoughts as themselves, my thoughts, my position, me, me. Inability to see the Self, and the buddhi or the intellect and the power of the instrument of perceptions separate is asmita.


        Raga, Craving.  And craving comes with a pleasant experience. You have pleasant experience, and that creates a craving in you, and this craving makes you miserable. It is beautiful. Patanjali had said there are only five source of misery. There is no 6th source of misery. Ignorance is thinking that which is changing as non-changing. We try to control others mind saying you should be this way, you should be that way. How is it possible? Someone may have love for you yesterday, they need not have today or tomorrow. Who knows? They themselves do not know. See that? We expect an enlightened behavior from everybody around us, and then we become unhappy. You are not behaving in an enlightened way but you expect everyone around to be enlightened, unconditional love. One in a million, you will get who can be unconditionally loving. But when you expect that from all people around, that is where you become unhappy. Knowingly, or unknowingly, consciously, unconsciously this is what everybody is doing. Everybody is expecting unconditional love from people that they meet with. Isn’t it? And they do not even know what they are expecting, that their expectation is something very big. They are seeking God in everybody, and they are seeking God without seeing that God could behave in any manner he wants. They are looking for a saintly God in everybody around them. How things should be that makes you more miserable. Do you see what I’m saying?


avidyasmita raga dvesabhinivesah klesah


        Dvesha, hatred  or aversion.  Hatred comes, aversion comes with an unpleasant experience. Aversion also brings same misery as happiness brings misery. Craving and aversion are both sources of misery.


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