沒法靜心,就作個傻子吧!  If You Cannot Meditate Be Stupid

158 1998/06/17 美國馬里蘭州 巴爾的摩
















Weekly Knowledge #158 Baltimore,Maryland 17 Jun 1998 USA

If You Are Unable To Meditate, Your Mind Is Chattering Too Much And Nothing Works, Just Feel That You Are A little stupid. Then you will be able to sink deep.

Your intellect is a small portion of your total consciousness. If you are stuck in the intellect, you miss a lot. Happiness is when you transcend the intellect. Also, in awe or in feeling stupid, you transcend the intellect. Have you noticed mentally retarded people are more happy?

Question: How do you go beyond the intellect?

Answer: By acting stupid!

Everyone avoids being stupid, no one wants to look dumb. That is really stupid.

Stupidity should be followed by meditation, otherwise depression may follow.

Janael: Can I ask a stupid question?

Sri Sri: All questions are anyway stupid.

Mikey: How do you become stupid?

Yash: By asking the question.

Rajshree: Just be yourself!


NEWS FLASH: There were torrential rain storms that hit New England as Guruji and his entourage traveled for lectures in Boston. The mayor declared the city in a state of emergency due to the horrific storms. Many true seekers traveled for hours through the storms to attend the evening's event. Miraculously the rain stopped for three hours while Guruji gave his lecture and Satsang.

Guruji attended the Baltimore conference on Breaking the Cycle of Violence. In attendance were officials from the Federal, State and City governments. These included people from the U.S. Attorney's Office, the U.S. Marshal's Office, the Mayor's Chief of Staff, Maryland State Troopers, the Baltimore Education Dept., two judges, etc. Dr. Ganesh Prabhu, Tom Duffy, Odyl Wittman and Ronnie Newman gave presentations on the health benefits, the Prison Smart Program, including the women's program, and the ground-breaking research results from data collected by an independent research company on the results of this program on juvenile offenders. The audience was interested, excited and lively, and asked many questions.

Jai Guru Dev



Weekly Knowledge #158 Baltimore,Maryland 17 Jun 1998 USA

If You Are Unable To Meditate, Your Mind Is Chattering Too Much And Nothing Works, Just Feel That You Are A little stupid. Then you will be able to sink deep.

Your intellect is a small portion of your total consciousness. If you are stuck in the intellect, you miss a lot. Happiness is when you transcend the intellect. Also, in awe or in feeling stupid, you transcend the intellect. Have you noticed mentally retarded people are more happy?

Question: How do you go beyond the intellect?

Answer: By acting stupid!

Everyone avoids being stupid, no one wants to look dumb. That is really stupid.

Stupidity should be followed by meditation, otherwise depression may follow.

Janael: Can I ask a stupid question?

Sri Sri: All questions are anyway stupid.

Mikey: How do you become stupid?

Yash: By asking the question.

Rajshree: Just be yourself!


NEWS FLASH: There were torrential rain storms that hit New England as Guruji and his entourage traveled for lectures in Boston. The mayor declared the city in a state of emergency due to the horrific storms. Many true seekers traveled for hours through the storms to attend the evening's event. Miraculously the rain stopped for three hours while Guruji gave his lecture and Satsang.

Guruji attended the Baltimore conference on Breaking the Cycle of Violence. In attendance were officials from the Federal, State and City governments. These included people from the U.S. Attorney's Office, the U.S. Marshal's Office, the Mayor's Chief of Staff, Maryland State Troopers, the Baltimore Education Dept., two judges, etc. Dr. Ganesh Prabhu, Tom Duffy, Odyl Wittman and Ronnie Newman gave presentations on the health benefits, the Prison Smart Program, including the women's program, and the ground-breaking research results from data collected by an independent research company on the results of this program on juvenile offenders. The audience was interested, excited and lively, and asked many questions.

Jai Guru Dev



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