慶祝新年 New Year’s Celebration
#082 1997/1/1 瑞士 盧森湖畔
Weekly Knowledge #82 Lake Lucerne 01 Jan 1997 Switzerland
The year 1997 is fortunate because you are living at this time. When you are living for the sake of the world, the world is fortunate. You are not living for yourself, but for the world. Whatever the world needs or wants, you are there for that. So the year is fortunate that you are on the earth at this point in time.
Let the time celebrate your presence. You keep smiling as ever. Usually people make a wish for the New Year. This year, make no wish. Let the New Year celebrate you. If it wants to bring you nicer things, let it. It's up to it.
Usually you are lost in celebration. When you let time celebrate you, you are a witness amidst celebration.
News Flash:
According to the Vedic calendar 19,558,085,097 solar years have passed since the beginning of this Earth. The NASA scientists will authenticate this. There are 20,000 years in Kali Yuga, which began with the death of Krishna 5,097 years ago.
The snow in Switzerland is celebrating our presence.
Compiled by David Burge, Judy Clark, and Ceci Balmer
According to the Vedic calendar 19,558,085,097 solar years have passed since the beginning of this Earth. The NASA scientists will authenticate this. There are 20,000 years in Kali Yuga, which began with the death of Krishna 5,097 years ago.
The snow in Switzerland is celebrating our presence.
Compiled by David Burge, Judy Clark, and Ceci Balmer