你是純淨的電 You are Pure Electricity
135 1998/01/07 義大利 米蘭
135 You Are Pure Electricity
Weekly Knowledge #135 Milano 07 Jan 1998 Italy
Desires for sense pleasure are electric in nature and they get neutralized as they move towards the objects of senses. If, by your skill, you could move them within you towards the centre of your existence, another dimension of everlasting pleasure, thrill, bliss, and undying love will all be yours. Lust, greed, power and jealousy are also powerful because they are nothing but energy and you are the source of it - the pure electricity. Dedication and devotion keep the purity of your electricity and they move you upward.
Realizing you are pleasure or electricity yourself your craving subsides and serenity dawns. Remembering that you will die makes you alive now, free from cravings and aversions. The wise is always careful not to get entangled and dizzy in the mind.
People from 22 countries took part in the advanced course in Germany thanks to the simultaneous translation system. Sri Sri spoke on spiritual dimensions the entire week. There was a fantastic talk in Milano with a packed auditorium. Everyone held a baccara rose in their hand as they went out with a smile. Sri Sri is off to Slovenia and Croatia for a two days visit. Amma (Sri Sri's Mother) turns 70 this week and her birthday will be celebrated in Bangalore on 12th with distribution of blankets and poor-feeding
Jai Guru Dev