
慾望與虔誠 Desire and prayerfulness

#076 1996/11/20 印度 加爾各答










Weekly Knowledge #76 Calcutta 20 Nov 1996 India

For your prayer to be answered, the desire has to be intense. The greater the intensity of desire and the later it gets fulfilled, then greater will be the gratitude.

lntense desire leads you to devotion. For desire to get intense, time and the need for the desire are required. The feeling of gratitude is so overwhelming after the fulfillment of desire that it's achievement loses its charm and significance.

The son of a farmer in India had a life-long desire to go to England and he prayed deeply for it. Even the news of his trip to England materializing filled him with immense gratitude -- he did not even care whether he went or not.

Often people think that they are unfortunate if their desires don't get fulfilled quickly. lntense desire can frustrate you or make you prayerful. In prayerfulness, there is gratitude and devotion. Any intense experience makes you whole.

Your consciousness is like corn. With the heat of Knowledge, consciousness pops ups and becomes white and fluffy.


Guruji and his entourage moved from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok. Once again the metal detector beeped. Guruji gave a fiery Satsang to a multi-ethnic audience. It has made teachers busy for the next whole month.

With Guruji's arrival, the City of Joy (Calcutta) was overjoyed. Hoardings and banners all over the city created a stampede at the magnificent GD Birla Sabhaghar city auditorium. But with the pervading bliss inside, everthing fell into place. The garden of Bharti and S.B. Ganguly was respendent with lights and melody -- The birds in the garden, the flowers, the decorations (not forgetting Bengali sweets), and smiling faces everywhere.

The pact of cooperation was signed by the Satsangees and the mosquitoes at the Nalban Park Salt Lake which was the venue for the next Satsang in Calcutta on the banks of the lake on a moonlit night. The team work at Calcutta that was in evidence all through was superlative.


Jai Guru Dev

(Compiled by Arun, Bhanu and Jonathan)




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