感受祝福 Feel Blessed
124 1997/10/23 印度 國道高速公路
□ 一切抱怨消
□ 一切嘮叨消失
□ 一切不安感消失
□ 一種不被愛的感覺消失
□ 一種缺乏愛的感覺消失
Weekly Knowledge #124 National Highway #7, Between Bangalore and Shimoga 23 Oct 1997 India
Break through all the barriers and feel that you Are Blessed. This Is The One And Only Step You Have To take - the rest will all happen.
This deep sense of feeling that "I am blessed" can help you overcome any obstacles in life. It gives you courage and confidence and it will open your lid for grace to be poured in.
Once you realize that you are blessed, then:
All the complaints disappear
All the grumbling disappears
All the insecurities disappear
A sense of feeling unloved disappears
Wanting love disappears.
If you don't realize you are blessed, then the doership begins. If you want to make a difference in your life, feel you are blessed. And especially for those on this path of knowledge, there is no reason for you to not feel blessed.
So, feel you are blessed.
This is the first step towards the Self.
NEWS FLASH Thousands thronged the two Satsangs in Coimbatore to glimpse Sri Sri. In the morning, it was a treat to experience 1800 people doing pranayama and Kriya together!
On to Shimoga, where Sri Sri gave the first Art of Living course 15 years ago, for a touching reunion with old devotees and a grand Satsang. On the way, Sri Sri visited the Temple of Mother Divine, where He was received with full honor.
In Shimoga, saints from various ashrams greeted Sri Sri and all the devotees with such warmth and enthusiasm. A royal reception given by the villagers for Sri Sri was moving. The entire village came out dancing to receive Him in a 20 ft electric chariot with thousands of lights. Sri Sri looked quite bewildered!
Jai Guru Dev